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Care Instructions

Maintaining Your New Ecoflor® MicroConcrete Floor

Read the following instructions and precautions that can prove to be very effective in protecting and maintaining your new Ecoflor Micro Concrete floor:

• USE good quality fibre mats at entrances that can trap dirt, dust and sand particles to prevent external grit and abrasive particles producing scratching, scuffing and general wear.

• FREQUENTLY clean the floor with a vacuum cleaner to prevent build-up of abrasive particles.

• ALWAYS use suitable glides, rollers, and castors as well as furniture bearing pads or felt pads to avoid scratching or indentations under immovable and movable items such as chairs.

• NEVER slide heavy objects directly over the floor (the use of soft or woollen cloth sheets or similar is recommended).

• AVOID hot items (matches, cigarettes, etc.) to come into direct contact with the floor.

• NEVER let staining substances (such as food colouring, oil, grease, paint etc.) to come into contact with the floor.
Wipe off immediately. Whilst the protective sealer will protect to some degree, it will give a window of opportunity to clean up spills. Don’t allow the staining substance to penetrate.

Maintenance for Ecoflor Micro Concrete floor: First seven days:
The flooring will be curing over the first 7 days and whilst it is fine to walk on, it is recommended that shoes are removed prior to walking on the floor and no wet cleaning, mopping etc. of the floor with water or detergents.
After the first seven days:
Maintaining a Micro Concrete floor is very simple. It is recommended to vacuum the floor frequently with the addition of spot cleaning where necessary. Use a premium quality neutral cleaner (non-foaming) on stubborn spots and only occasionally use a damp microfiber pad over the entire surface to give further protection to your floor.

•Cleaning: Vacuum or dust mop the floor regularly with a microfiber pad to keep dirt particles off the floor. Soils act as an abrasive and can ruin the clarity and shine of the floor sealer. If wet mopping the floor, always use clean water and clean mops. Use an automatic floor scrubber equipped with a nonabrasive pad to clean large areas (commercial). Mop and bucket cleaning can be used in smaller areas. When wet mopping, use a neutral floor cleaner formulated to suspend the dirt particles so they can be more easily removed. Using water only leaves much of the dirt on the floor, where it can eventually abrade and discolour the surface. Try to clean spills and stains from the floor as quickly as possible so they don't absorb into the surface. Give the cleaner enough time to start breaking down the grime, such as grease and other contaminants, and then suspend the particles. If you apply a cleaning agent and then immediately vacuum it or mop it from the surface, the cleaner will not have sufficient time to work. Make sure the cleaning solution does not dry on the surface. This can be accomplished by cleaning small areas and making sure the entire process is complete before moving on to other areas.

•Applying a floor wax periodically: It is recommended that you apply a water based polishing wax or sealer finish to protect and enhance the floor in high traffic areas. Finish with buffing/polishing machine (white/tan nylon pad) or as directed on bottle label. This can be done once or twice a year or as needed (more frequently in higher traffic areas) to replenish shine.